Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

SEO Your Way to Success – The Basics of Search Engine Optimization

By Lahle Wolfe

If your business relies on the Internet you need to embrace SEO (search engine optimization) as a way of web-life. If people cannot find you on the Internet your business will suffer. If your site is confusing to robots and humans your business can suffer.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a term to describe how material posted to the Internet is formatted, presented, and identified. SEO strategies apply to content (text) on websites and blogs, images (including pictures), and meta data and meta tags. Robots read this information and some meta data can also be seen on a web page by humans.
What are Robots, Spiders, WebAnts, and Worms? Data collecting companies find and explore your website using robots. It is also important to understand what robots are so that you can create meta data and optimize your website and to keep malicious robots from taking over your site.

Why Good SEO is Necessary

Understanding What SEO Does for a Website: A website with good SEO attracts robots and provides instructions, descriptions, and content that robots can understand, analyze, and assign relevance to. A site with poor SEO will either get ignored, or worse – tagged as spam or blacklisted.
Think of SEO as advertising your site to search engines. If robots do not know about you, like what they see, or cannot understand what you are saying, you will not get search engine “air time.”
SEO Tips - How to Write Winning Meta Titles: A meta title can name a web page. This title is displayed by the browser, and tells a reader what page they are on. Meta titles are read by search engine robots, and seen by site visitors. It is important to write good meta titles for successful SEO.

Does Anyone Really Know How to SEO?

Yes. There are many reputable companies and freelancers that can help you optimize your website. But there are far more that will take your money, copyrights to your SEO data, and that can and will ruin your website without a second thought. Creating valuable meta data and optimizing a website requires certain unique writing skills and an extensive knowledge of how robots work. Think of it this way, anyone can write an advertising slogan, but not all advertising slogans will help to sell a product.
Because there are so many companies now offering scam SEO services be sure you know what the basics of SEO, read fine print in SEO contracts. A common unethical practice is for an SEO company to take the copyrights to your meta data and then charge you a monthly fee to use it. When you cancel the contract, they wipe your website clean of all meta data.

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