Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

10 Tips for Attracting Employees

From Gerry Fung

Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee, Vacancy 
What else can small businesses do to make their employment recruitment efforts more successful?
6. Offer employees some way to move upwards.
Most employees aren't looking for jobs where they’ll do the same thing for the next thirty years. They're looking for positions that offer opportunities for advancement. What will the position you're offering offer? The chance to develop new skills? A stepping stone to a position with more responsibilities? More money after a certain amount of time on the job? Whatever it is, in terms of attracting employees, be sure to get the future possibilities on the table.
7. Create an employee incentive program.
Employee incentive programs not only reward good employee performance but give prospective employees something to look forward to if they come work for you. Whether it’s an annual company-paid retreat or a program where employees collect points that they can trade in for cash, employee incentive programs can increase your chances of attracting the employees you want to hire.
8. Institute a profit sharing program.
It’s not for every business, but there’s no better way to give employees a stake in a company’s success. For businesses that look like they’re going somewhere, profit sharing programs can be a powerful inducement to come work for you instead of for someone else.
9. Sweeten the pot.
When competition for employees is fierce, a plain old signing bonus may be what’s needed to attract the employee you want and get that person to work for you rather than for some other company. If you choose to do this, there are two things to keep in mind. The signing bonus has to be large enough to matter, and the signing bonus has to be contingent upon x amount of time of employment. (Otherwise you’ll be running a revolving door as people sign up, take the money and run.)
10. Widen the scope of your advertising.
It’s not enough to Just place an ad in the Help Wanted section of the local newspaper anymore; your chances of attracting the employees you want will be much better if you broaden your advertising. Place ads in places such as job Web sites and college/university campus boards, for example. Advertise in other towns or cities. See 7 Easier Ways to Find Employees for more ideas on spreading the word about your employee search and hiring tips.
And if you have other employees, don’t forget to get them involved in the employee recruitment hunt. You can, for example, offer signing bonuses to those who successfully refer a new employee.
There are qualified people out there who can do what you need done – you just need to attract them to the positions your small business is offering. Developing an employee recruitment policy based on the tips above will give you a better chance of attracting the employees you’re looking for.

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