Senin, 08 November 2010

Boost your career

Unique talentsIf you know where you're distinctive, and in your job does not feel that you're working, you have found your unique talents. If you use your unique talents you will be able to continuously develop your practice in areas with a high added value, and also have energy all day long at work to be.
Job Vacancy Indonesia, Employee

Discover your talentsPeople often find it difficult to express their talents. Soon we then limited to subject areas and qualifications. But talents are broader than that. Think of things like organizing, presenting, analyzing, managing, negotiating, persuading or write. Features that do not easily learn in school, but often by nature possesses. And these are qualities that many in your career could come in handy. So make a list of these things once and do not be modest. Can you imagine anything so quickly, think about your previous jobs or other situations such as internships, school, volunteer. Where were you good at and where you excelled off. Ask others.

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