Jumat, 10 Desember 2010

Job Loss Increases Due To Recession

Currently the economy is as bad as I can remember in my lifetime and that dates back fairly far. People are losing their jobs on a daily basis, and although things may seem bad, there is always hope.
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According to Linda Stern of Newsweek, "In February, 63,000 U.S. jobs evaporated; 17,000 were lost in January. The job market is deteriorating just as a generation of workers is looking to move up a rung."
"People in midcareer are getting jobs now, though they really have to work harder at it," reports Anita Attridge, a career coach with the Five O'Clock Club. "In many cases they are changing careers or industries to do it."
Ms. Stern gives some advice on job hunting. First you should approach it like your life depends on it. Second, she suggests to follow the market where the money is. "Even in a bad job market, some industries and professions are struggling to attract enough talent. You may have to take the skills you learned in a shrinking industry, like utilities, and bring it to a growing one, like human resources. Or you may want to use the current downturn to retrain so you're poised for one of the most popular jobs. What are they? The Labor Department reports that more than three out of every 10 new jobs will be in health care, social assistance (elder care or child care) and public and private educational services. It also is predicting solid demand for workers in fields like communications, information technology, accounting, and leisure and hospitality."
Kate Wendleton of the Five O'Clock club says, "jobseekers should put more time into researching and targeting specific companies and jobs, even if they're not advertising any openings. Put at least 15 hours a week into it if you have a job; 35 or more if you don't. Call everyone you know who might be connected to your target and request informational interviews and call back about every 6 weeks." vacancy

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