With a strategic alliance of three reputable companies with proven tracks in aviation industry, Purantara is capable of providing a fully committed and integrated service from the ground to the in-flight services.
Offering a one-stop service as we fulfill our customer's high standard of management and service awareness, we guarantee that all aspects of in-flight catering and management conform to the same stringent control system and world class service standard.
Our management team pays careful attention to the quality and variety of our menus. We don't just create them; we plan them. With our extensive experienced chefs, we are ideally equipped to deal with a vast array of international tastes and preferences.
Lowongan Kerja QA OfficerOffering a one-stop service as we fulfill our customer's high standard of management and service awareness, we guarantee that all aspects of in-flight catering and management conform to the same stringent control system and world class service standard.
Our management team pays careful attention to the quality and variety of our menus. We don't just create them; we plan them. With our extensive experienced chefs, we are ideally equipped to deal with a vast array of international tastes and preferences.
Job Description :
* Melapor Kepada (Report To): QA & Hygine Supervisor
Tanggung jawab pokok (Key Accountabilities) :
* Menangani Complaint / Investigasi.
* Verified / Memastikan Bahwa Seluruh Dokumen Yang Dibuat Oleh Departemen Sesuai dan Standard Yang Telah Ditentukan.
* Recall Product & Traceability Product.
* Memastikan Verifikasi Untuk Menjamin Keamanan Makanan Mulai dari Penerimaan s.d Delivery to Customer.
Persyaratan Jabatan (Job Requirement) :
* Pendidikan (Education) : Technology Pangan (S1)
* Keterampilan/Pengetahuan Khusus (Technical Knowledge/Skill) : Understand ISO & HACCP
* Pengalaman Kerja (Working Experience) : Experience QA 1-2 tahun
* Jadwal Kerja (Working Schedule) : 6 hari kerja, 1 Day Off
Hal Pokok (Essential) :
* Understanding ISO 9001 – 2008 & HACCP & ISO 22.000.
* English Both & Written Is Must.
Hal Yang Diutamakan (Preferable)
* Laki - Laki
If you meet the above qualifications, please send your application with detailed resume and recent photograph to :
HRD & GA Departement
PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua
Bandara International Soekarno Hatta
PO BOX 1126 Jakarta 19100
or E-mail to : hrd@purantara.com
HRD & GA Departement
PT. Purantara Mitra Angkasa Dua
Bandara International Soekarno Hatta
PO BOX 1126 Jakarta 19100
or E-mail to : hrd@purantara.com

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